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Purpose of PE board

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2023/10/18 15:51:04 frequency:

1. Medical equipment components, seals, cutting plates, sliding profiles. Widely used in industries such as chemical, mechanical, chemical, electrical, clothing, packaging, food, etc. Widely used in gas transportation, water supply, sewage discharge, agricultural irrigation, fine particle solid transportation in mines, as well as fields such as oil fields, chemical engineering, and telecommunications, it has been widely applied in gas transportation.

2. This product has excellent properties such as softness, bending resistance, cold resistance, heat resistance, flame retardancy, waterproofing, low thermal conductivity, shock absorption, and sound absorption. It can be widely used in industries such as central air conditioning, construction, chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, light textile, etc.

3. Drinking water and sewage pipelines, hot water pipelines, transportation containers, pump and valve components, medical appliance components, seals, cutting plates, and sliding profiles. Widely used in industries such as chemical, mechanical, electrical, clothing, packaging, and food.

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